I enjoy making crafts with my little boy it’s a great way for us to spend some quality time together, especially when it’s raining outside, or too hot to go outdoors.
We enjoy making crafts that are fun and easy to make. We also, love making crafts that he can give away as gifts.
My little boy wanted to make different shaped sun catchers, so I ordered see-through pony beads from Oriental Trading.
Sun Catchers are great crafts for children to make with adult supervision.
Supplies Needed to Make DIY: Sun Catchers
- 1- pk (2000 ) see through pony beads
- non-stick cookie cutters
- non-stick heart shaped pan
- small suction cups
- fishing twine
- drill & drill bits
- super glue
- wire
- string
- scissors
How to Make DIY: Sun Catchers

3. Remove extra beads that have spilled inside the baking pan. Place baking pan and, heart shape cake pan into a 275 degree preheated oven for 20 minutes or until the beads are melted. Remove from oven and let cool.
*Kim’s Note- these beads took longer than the beads I normally use. I removed the tray with the cookie cutter after 25 minutes but, the cake pan took 35 minutes.
I recommend after your beads have been cooking for 20 minutes to check on them periodically to make sure they melt and not burn.
All sun catchers were melted in the oven in a well-ventilated area with the windows and doors open while my son played outdoors.
I love making sun catchers I have been making them for over 15 years.

These fun suncatchers are perfect for kids to make for during the summer to beat boredom or anytime of the year.
Additionally, the suncatchers are perfect to make as holiday gifts and will put a smile on someone’s face when they receive one.
Also, the Dragonfly and Heart-Shaped DIY: Sun Catchers are great craft projects to make with children during rainy days when the weather is bad and the kids are stuck indoors.
We love the way the Sun Catchers turned out they remind us of stained glass. And, they’re durable, too!
I dropped the sun catchers several times, and they didn’t break. Furthermore, check out my DIY Sun Catcher Mobile it’s perfect for Easter.
Cheryl says
None of my pans are non stick. CAN I use tin foil to line or spray them?
Kim Seghers says
Cheryl, I’m so sorry I don’t think foil will work. I only used nonstick. Sorry I don’t have a better answer for you. Kim
April says
I tried to look at your suncatcher mobile but the link kept sending me right back to the heart and dragonfly suncatchers. I really wanted to see the mobile. I have a newborn great nephew and thought maybe that would be nice to make and hang over his crib. Please send me a picture or redirect me to the link. Thank you.
Diana says
Did I miss a step? When does the glue come in? I really want to make some. Looks fun and they are pretty. Great gift givers.
Kim Seghers says
Hi Diana, there’s no glue used in this craft. You melt the pony beads in the oven. Please read the post for step by step information. Super glue was used only to hold the antennas on the dragonfly only but, not in making the craft itself. (line #7 for dragonfly) I hope this helps, Kim
Jackie Miller says
Super glue was used on the dragonfly!!
Kim Seghers says
Yes super glue was used on the dragonfly to hold the antennas on. Thank you, Kim
Jackie Miller says
Super glue was used on the dragonfly to attach the antennas!
Kim Seghers says
Hi Jackie yes super glue was used for the dragonfly to keep the antennas on only but, not in the recipe itself with the beads. Thank you, Kim
Leslie says
Will plain metal cookie cutters work or do they need to be specific?
Kim Seghers says
Hi Leslie, you’re putting them in the oven so yes the cookie cutters need to be some sort of a non stick metal. Hope that helps, Kim
Leslie says
Thanks for all the craft info. My question is do you put the beads on their side or the hole up? I didn’t know if it made a difference.
Kim Seghers says
Hi Leslie, it doesn’t matter which side you use! Have fun making the sun catcher! Kim
Leslie says
These are cute. What a fun activity to do with the kiddo's. I love the heart with the little heart and the dragon fly.
KimSeghers says
Yes, it would make a great Mother's Day gift!I think a Butterfly sun catcher would make any mom happy to receive one as a gift! Kim
KimSeghers says
Hi Sarah! Your welcome for the tips. The sun catchers were fun to make. You should make a few with your daughter. Happy Easter! Kim
KimSeghers says
Hi Danica ! Thank you so much. We love making crafts with pony beads, there's many things you could make with the beads. Thank you for visiting, Kim
KimSeghers says
Thank you Amy! You should try making a few sun catchers with your girls. The sun catchers would make great gifts, too! Have a lovely weekend! Kim
KimSeghers says
Thank you Kathy! They were very fun to make and I love projects that are inexpensive to make, too!
Thank you for visiting! Kim
KimSeghers says
Thank you Christy! My son loves doing crafts with me and, making pony bead projects are our favorite!!!
Have great weekend, Kim
lesliesholly says
Those are really pretty!
KimSeghers says
Thank you so much! I love the way they look like stained glass!
Have a great weekend! Kim
KimSeghers says
Thank you! We love using pony beads to make things. Its fun and inexpensive! Have fun, Kim
KimSeghers says
Thank you Jane! Pony Beads is one of my favorite items to work with. You can do so much with them. Have a lovely Friday, Kim